Private Tutor- and his shadow
A friend calls- “Hey! Its time for tuition, are you ready? Sir will be coming.” 8 out of 10 students of today has faced or heard something spoken of that kind. Private tuitions had turned a necessary part of student life, or saying broadly, education.
Every day students turn home from school and gulp some food in a rush for they should be attending tuition classes in time.
Tutors provide notes to students and make them so-called prepared for exams. But do they really benefit the students! Has anyone tried to analyze this? None knows.
Parents now put their children under tutor surveillance from the tender years of nursery. In this way they grow depending upon the notes provided by such appointed private tutors. They also bear a feeling that their parents know less and this has a negative affect on the children.
The best way to teach a child is when ‘parents become children with their children’. Learners have the best support from a friend, a close relative, a person who can understand him and support him at his pace. Parents and siblings can fulfill all of these, all in one.
The importance of tutors can not be zeroed though- they help- but only when they are helping the children learn and not to be depend on their notes.
The conclusion will be perfect by saying- Private Tutors are bricks of basic education and are not a reinforced house of education.