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Open Letter to HBS sir


First of all thanks to you for bringing a visionary change to the educational scenario of Assam.
The TET appointment was a great leap for education in Assam. Gradually the term TET has now-a-days become the most used term among the job-seekers of Assam.

Coming to the point,

Sir, about 11k teachers are to be brought under the canopy of the state government this financial year, but it is not going to happen again... I again stress, that not 11k posts are going to be fulfilled.
This is a great loss at a time when there are still lots to teachers serving from June 2012 and still not regularised. Not that they are of higher ages, not that they have no D.El.Ed, not that they lack qualities. But it’s the system which is not allowing them.

Firstly, many ST posts are totally vacant. I know it could not be helped with this time. Neither I nor You can go against the constitution. So it’s useless discussing.

But, again like every time, its seen in the provisional lists that many candidates are appointed for two posts (one in LP and one in UP) , this means at least one post is wasted. Moreover, after appointment, another lot will just not join, just because the school is in some rural area. This is wrong...
The other day you were speaking to teachers to accept the whole of Assam as our home. We do accept. I accept. Thousands like me accept it. And so I am staying apart from my family and hometown Tinsukia, and serving at the same school since June 2012 at an interior area of present Hojai district, Kaki. I have never wanted Mutual, Transfer, and Rationalisation. While many has left the place to join schools near their homes (by paying large amount, I disclose this because it is no secret now), I have accepted Kaki as my home. Apart from teaching at my own school, I am now familiar to the students of several other nearby schools. I get my eternal joy when they call me, invite me to their school and regard me as ‘rhymes sir’.
But, today I am really saddened. I could have been regularised at my home district but due to my emotional attachment, I again opted for Nagaon, and has been left out by a few decimals of marks. On the other hand, I am sure that many posts will be lying vacant. Why not mean out a way to fill those posts (not the ST reserved ones) but the ones that will fall vacant because some teachers are selected in two posts, and the ones that will lay vacant because some will not join.

A request.. Please stop this.. Sort out a way to detect the candidates who have been selected in both LP and UP.. Ask them to select the option in which they want to serve. Fill the posts from the waiting candidates.
Also prepare a wait list of at least 20 candidates from each district. Fill the posts that are not joined from those wait listed candidates.

Else this culture will keep continuing.. A few teachers will keep applying again and again.. Their will be wastage of posts going on and on.. the same unfilled posts will be advertised again and again.. and those will remain unfilled. Its like a loop.. or a deja-vu..

If only really 11k teachers could have been appointed.. but no.. among the 11k teachers that you are announcing.. only 7 – 8 k teachers will be actually be appointed in practical. And even among them another lot will not be joining the posts…

So please HELP..

Waiting for a good response..

                                                                                                      A Cont. TET Teacher..

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(Many of us already know when, how and where to use mobile phones. Again many don't know it. I am forwarding some tips to those who don't know.)

You are in a hospital for some work. Don't ever put the mobile to silent mode. Attendants are standing around the patient with a depressed and fatigued face. Suddenly the mobile rings. Excellent, if the ringtone is 'DhinkaChika' or 'SheilaKiJawani'. Don't recieve or disconnect the call immediately; let everyone be amused by the tone. Look at the number for a couple of times. Now, recieve and set out a loud roar of laughter, and then continue gossiping loudly while winking at the 'Silence Please' board on the wall.

You are riding a bike or scooter. If out of sudden, your mobile rings, don't try to park your bike and then receive the call. Else, show people how finely you can ride your bike with one hand, while the other hand is holding your mobile to your ears. If you require to pull your clutch, set the mobile between your tilted head and shoulders and then continue. While doing this, you may lose your balance and move zigzag, and the car behind you may too come to a stop. If the driver of the car gives you a rough look, just wildly smile at him 'khik khik', and get busy with your job.

If you are visiting a public temple, and you had set silent mode or switched off your mobile, it could be a kind of sin. You kneel before the deity, the priest starts chanting some mantras for the sake of good- at that very moment rings your mobile. And if your tone is an alien to the cluster of regional songs, it would be a boon. Don't feel shy in receiving the call. However hover your face around the kneeling people and the priest, and after determining how you had succeeded in bringing a shuffle among the holy atmosphere of the temple, let out a smile of internal joy.

After passengers board a flight, they are advised to switch off their mobile phones and other electronic appliances. So what? Just because they said, will you do so? Nah, Never. The flight will take-off and then your mobile rings. You're lucky. A beautiful air-hostess will rush towards you and once again make a request. You should give her a idle smile and set back with your talks. If possible, ask your co-passenger to give you missed calls every second minute or so. This will let you know until what height network coverage is provided. Now, it may happen that the beauty will request you in a tough tone. Just don't pay attention, after-all any tone from such a beauty will seem like a song to you.

Don't you have FM on your mobile phone? Don't forget to enjoy your favourate songs every moment from the earphones hung around your neck. Cross roads while you are lost in such songs. A four wheeler will have a screeching halt. Turn around and look. A bike following the car may not be able to apply brakes and hit the rears of the car and the rider may fall out on the road. The car driver may roar to you, "I'm blowing the horns for so long, what thoughts keep roaming around your head while walking, huh? Wanna die?", or some other abuses. You should let out a gentle smile, say 'Sorry', and set out with the cords back on your ear. Don't forget the word- 'Sorry', else your chances of getting a good thrashing in public can't be ruled out.

Translation of the Assamese Update is done by me.
The original Assamese update was found by me in a Assamese symposium group, 'Asomiyat Kotha Botora'.

Here is the original Assamese update:


(মোবাইল ফোন ক'ত, কেনেকৈ, কেতিয়া ব্যৱহাৰ কৰিব লাগে বহুতে জানেই৷ কিছুমানে নাজানে৷ মই কেইটামান কিটিপ আগবঢ়ালোঁ নজনাসকললৈ৷)

হ'স্পিটেললৈ গৈছে কিবা কামত৷ মোবাইলটো চাইলেন্ট ভুলতেও নকৰিব৷ ৰোগীৰ এটেন্দেন্টবোৰ ৰৈ আছে৷ মুখত উৎকন্ঠা, বেজাৰ, হতাশা৷ হঠাতে মোবাইলটো বাজি উঠিল৷ ৰিংটোন যদি 'ধিংকাচিকা' নহ'লে 'শীলা কি জৱানী' হয়, অতি উত্তম৷ বাজি উঠাৰ লগে লগে নধৰিব বা কাটিও নিদিব, সকলোকে ৰিংটোনৰ মজাটো ল'বলৈ সুযোগ দিয়ক৷ দুবাৰমান চাওঁক নম্বৰটো৷ তাৰ পিছত উঠায়ে জোৰেৰে হাঁহক, চিঞঁৰক, কথা পাতক, সন্মুখত থকা 'চাইলেন্স প্লিজ' লিখা থকা ফলকখনলৈ চকু টিপিয়াই৷

বাইক বা স্কুটাৰ চলাই গৈ আছে৷ হঠাতে যদি বাজি উঠে আপোনাৰ মোবাইল ফোনটো, বাইকখন কাষলৈ নি, ৰখাই ফোনটো ৰিচিভ কৰাৰ চেষ্টা নকৰিব৷ তাতকৈ মানুহক দেখাওঁক এখন হাতেৰে বাইক চলাই আনখন হাতেৰে ফোনটো উঠাই কেনে সুন্দৰ ভাবে আপুনি কথা পাতিব পাৰে৷ হঠাতে ক্লচ টানিবৰ প্ৰয়োজন হ'লে ডিঙিটো বেঁকা কৰি মোবাইলটো কাণ আৰু কান্ধৰ মাজত স্থাপন কৰি কথা পতা কামটো অব্যাহত ৰাখক৷ তেনেকুৱা কৰোতে আপোনাৰ বেলেন্সৰ হেৰ ফেৰ হৈ বাইকখন একাঁ-বেঁকা হ'লে আপোনাৰ ঠিক পিছে পিছে আহি থকা গাড়ীখনেও ক্ষন্তেক সময়ৰ বাবে বেলেন্স হেৰুৱাই ৰখি যাব পাৰে৷ গাড়ীৰ আৰোহীয়ে আপোনাৰ ফালে পেন্দোৱাকৈ চালে আপুনি খিক খিককৈ হাঁহি মাৰি পুণৰ কথা পতাত মত্ত হওঁক৷

ৰাজহুৱা মন্দিৰলৈ গ'লে ফোনটো চাইলেন্ট বা অ'ফ কৰি থোৱাটো একপ্ৰকাৰ পাপ বুলিয়ে গন্য কৰা যায়৷ দেৱীৰ মূৰ্ত্তিৰ সন্মুখত আঁঠু লৈছে, পূজাৰীয়ে মংগলাৰ্থে মন্ত্ৰ মাতিবলৈ আৰম্ভ কৰিছে - ঠিক এনে সময়তে বাজি উঠক আপোনাৰ মোবাইলটো৷ ৰিংটোনটো যদি 'জ্বালৱা' জাতীয় গানৰ হয়, তেনেহ'লে সোণত সুৱগা চৰিব৷ কলটো ৰিচিভ কৰি কথা পাতিবলৈ কুন্ঠাবোধ নকৰিব৷ পূজাৰী আৰু ওচৰত আঁঠু লোৱাসকলৰ মুখকেইখন চাই, মন্দিৰৰ দৰে পৱিত্ৰ ঠাইতো তেওঁলোকৰ মুখলৈ খং আৰু বিৰক্তি আনিব পাৰি মনৰ ভিতৰতে দুটা সাফল্যৰ হাঁহি মাৰক৷

ফ্লাইটত উঠাৰ পিছতে যাত্ৰীসকলক মোবাইল আৰু ইলেকট্ৰণিক সামগ্ৰী বন্ধ কৰি থবলৈ অনুৰোধ কৰে৷ অনুৰোধ কৰিলে বুলিয়েই আপুনি শুনিব নে? নুশুনিব৷ ফ্লাইটে টেক-অ'ফ কৰিব আৰু, এনেতে আপোনাৰ ফোনটো বাজি উঠিল৷ আপুনি সৌভাগ্যবান৷ সুন্দৰী এয়াৰ-হোষ্টেজে দৌৰি আহি আপোনাক আকৌ অনুৰোধ কৰিব৷ আপুনি বুৰ্বকৰ দৰে ভেঁকৈ হাঁহি পুণৰ কথা পতাত ব্যস্ত হওঁক৷ পাৰিলে লগৰজনক এক-দুই মিনিটমানৰ মূৰে মূৰে 'মিছ কল' দিবলৈ কওঁক, কিমান ওপৰলৈ আপুনি নেটৱ'ৰ্ক পায় তাক পৰীক্ষা কৰাটোও হৈ যাব৷ এইবাৰ এয়াৰ-হোষ্টজজনীয়ে অলপ টানকৈ ক'ব পাৰে যদিও টেনশ্যন নল'ব৷ সুন্দৰী এয়াৰ-হোষ্টজৰ শুৱলা মাতৰ গালি আপোনাৰ ৰোমান্টিক গানৰ কলি যেনেই লাগিব৷

মোবাইলত এফ.এম আছে নহয় আপোনাৰ? হেডফোনটো প্ৰতি মূহুৰ্ততে কাণত ওলোমাই গানৰ আমেজ ল'বলৈ নাপাহৰিব৷ তেনেকৈ গানত ডুবি ডুবি ৰাস্তা পাৰ হওঁক৷ কেৰেচকৈ বিকট শব্দ এটাৰে চাৰিচকীয়া এখন ৰৈ যাব৷ আপুনি মূৰ ঘুৰাই চাওঁক৷ গাড়ীখনৰ পিছে পিছে আহি থকা বাইকখনে ভালকৈ ব্ৰেক লগাব নোৱাৰি গাড়ীত খুণ্ডা মাৰিছে, বাইক চালকজন বাগৰি পৰিছে৷ গাড়ীৰ আৰোহীয়ে আপোনাক 'ইমানকৈ হৰ্ণ মাৰি আছোঁ, কি ভাবি খোজ কাঢ়ে হে? মৰিবলে আহিছে?' বুলি দুই-এক কথা শুনাব পাৰে, আপুনি হাঁহি এটা মাৰি "ছ'ৰি" বুলি পুণৰ কাণত হেড'ফোনটো ওলমাই আগবাঢ়ক৷ "ছ'ৰি" ক'বলৈ নাপাহৰিব কিন্তু, নহ'লে 'পাব্লিক ধুলাই' খোৱাৰ সম্ভাৱণা নুই কৰিব নোৱাৰি৷

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A project and an inspiration

Only last year I took this project, 'Tinsukia Mirror'. It is actually an initiative taken by me along with a group of local youths/students to highlight our city, Tinsukia to a higher platform by creating directories, databases, photo-albums on our website and social-networking-sites (SNS) as a part of their hobbies on a non-profit basis.

The main objectives of Tinsukia Mirror are:

*To reflect the city of Tinsukia.

*To make information available on the Internet and Social Networking Sites (SNSes) about Tinsukia.

*To make people aware of the resources available in the city by putting relevant photos, links, datas, etc.

*To engage youths in the whole process which will influence for the good of their character, behavior, etc and refrain them from bad habits by keeping them engaged. The initiative will also make them know about the basics of creating a website, html editing and journalism.

*To create directories about about all organisations/institutions/establishments in Tinsukia.

*To work under the guidance of experts and involve them as advisors.

The story is presently advancing at a very steady pace, because like me most of the members of the team working for Tinsukia Mirror are TDC 3rd year students and are at the most important year of their career. But once we become graduates we will be devoting more and more time to the project. We sought to start a local journal with the same title, which will hook all the budding writers, artists, etc and then compile into a beautiful written record. But at our present stage its just like the famous lines by Frost, " The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep.

But again if inspiring email like this one drops in our mail boxes, it delivers a boost in us and we are refreshed. On the 10th of February, KK Dwivedi, IAS who was the former Deputy Commissioner of Tinsukia had replied to our request to become an advisor in a very inspiring way. Though due to his time constraint he couldn't take active part in the project he gave some useful tips, and promised occasional guidance to our project. Mentionable is that Tinsukia had seen some major advancements under his tenure as the DC. Also he published a very beautiful guide cum handbook on the Dibru Saikhowa NP, which is serving as a great help to tourist who drop in our city from other parts. The email read as follows:

Dear Mr Paul,
 Congrats to you and your team for making appreciable efforts. Website is
very attractive and colorful. I may not be able to become advisor due to my
time constraints but  I will occasionally suggest you to make the website
more useful and interesting. Don,t try to imitate any attempt made by
Guwahatians or others but be inspired and bring out some thing different
which make your website stand apart from the crowd. Post the information
which people need and may find useful. Keep the info and posts updated
regularly. Provide links of other website related to Tinsukia. Do some
survey work among the youths who use Internet and who are your target group
 and get to know what they expect from your website and what info they need
in their daily routine.
 Once again congratulations and best wishes for your noble endeavour.
K K Dwivedi
Our website, Facebook page, Twitter, Email could be reached at:
The present team of Tinsukia Mirror:

Shubhadeep Aasween Paul,  Owner- Final Edits and Designs

He may look like a youngster, but Aasween is always creative and striking out new implements to popularise his city. Tinsukia Mirror was a result of his trials to show that Tinsukia is a better place than Guwahati before his gf. He is a BA 3rd Year student of English Concentration at Tinsukia College.

Dr. Sanat Kumar Dutta, Advisor- Photographies and Administration

A Gynaecologist by profession, an artist by passion, Dr. Dutta is interested in music, violin, painting and photography alike, apart from bearing a dream to establish Tinsukia as a better place to live by uplifting the ways of thinking of the city dwellers.

Rishikesh Jha, Member- Reports and Photographies

Rishi is a free-bird, He keeps flying around the city, not with bad intentions, but with the good ones like collectings news and reports, not for any news agency, but as a hobby and to benfit himself. He is a BCom 3rd Year student at Tinsukia Commerce College.

Gayatri Devi, Member- Reports and Publicities

"Politics is an unevitable part of Democracy. Being citizens of the world's largest democracy, it becomes our duty to lead, participate and keep a note of the happenings around us." Gayatri believes this and she proves it excellently. She is the GS of Womens' College SU and a BA 3rd Year student of Political Science.

Babina Bhoktiari, Member- Public Relations

'If a little knowledge is dangerous, then who are the men full of knowledge to be out of danger?'- Babina believes that knowledge is necessary in our lives but it must gurantee right judgements at the times of need. She is a BA student at Womens' College Tinsukia.

Lohit Dutta, Member- Reports and Urgencies 

A music freak, Lohit always reserves cool mind in him; though a bit addicted for Facebook and Twitter, he is also a good blogger. He can hook his eye upon any event and then supply a series of updates for us. Lohit is a BSc 3rd Year student at Tinsukia College.

Himashree Choudhury, Project Proposer

Himashree is a non-participating member, but she is the one for whom we have Tinsukia Mirror today. She proposed the idea of starting the website incidentally because she wanted to have a look of our city without actually visiting. Today Tinsukia Mirror holds a reflection of the city before the entire nation proudly.

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We, the friends

We, the friends

Constantly active, a town, else a city to be:
Commerce on high, ey ‘tis Tinsukia and we-
Swaying nooks to center, majormates or friends,
We few study English literature, also its trends.

Borguri, Hijuguri, Makum o’ Chota Hapjan-
Sreepuria, O’er Bridge are the regions we don.
0840, chiefly lessons start ‘ou at times late;
Any soul may find us at the beautiful gate.

An hour o’ so, in rooms, attentions roam a bit
Sirs ‘n’ Mems come and teach, we gently sit-
At the solemn top, Fanny Price, her silent love,
The fair youth, all, travels in by our ear’s cove.

Then we gather at the mazy corridors and buzz,
Sit under the canopies, the campus does merge-
Pretty gals carry fancy bags, move and gossip
But guys hover, time and again their cells beep.

After that we step out, moving in noisy groups,
Pushing him and her, like some ‘naughty troops’-
The hot sun smiles above; hungry- recall we few,
Speed up paces, part to meet again, wishing adieu.

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Addiction for Cruel News

            After getting up in the morning people without any discrimination in cultures, nature and religion get ready for three things. A toothpaste-along-toothbrush, a cup of steaming tea and the morning newspaper. After the strong popularity of electronic media, still today newspaper retains its own demand. Even when there is a lot of business to be carried out throughout the day, it doesn’t feel good to start without rounding the eye through the day’s newspaper, at least through the headlines. On special holidays when editions of a newspaper doesn’t come out, they search for the previous day’s newspaper that has been left out after reading it in a haste, or any other day’s newspaper that has be left out unread, or any unread article in some daily or weekly magazine. And for the retired ones the only escape from their negligent and family void world is the newspaper. Beginning from the First page’s ad to the Last page’s ‘Edited by’; these ‘neglected’ few kill their time.
            Before the movement of banishing the illegal migrants popularly known as the ‘Axom Aandolan’, newspapers were not much popular. The only newspapers published from the state were ‘Dainik Janambhumi’ from Upper Assam, and ‘Dainik Axom’ and ‘Assam Tribune from Guwahati. The Guwahati published newspapers could only reach Upper Assam by the evening. The situation has moved to better today. With the aid of satellites it has become possible to publish the same edition of a single newspaper at various locations at Guwahati, Dibrugarh, Tinsukia, Jorhat or Tezpur. The same news at the same time reaches readers from through the state. There has been an increase in the number of newspapers along with the increase of number of news. The Assam Aandolan attracted the mass towards newspapers and the aftermath of the movement gradually made them addicted towards news. The saying is true. Correspondents today seek new news- they need ‘hot news’. A doctor who has served for at least thirty-six thousand patients taking minimum of ten patients per day for ten years will never appear in the news; he’ll if he gets responsible (willingly?) for the death of some unlucky fellow. Among these the coping of common men like us, with such dangerous, cruel and addicted news is becoming permanent in our brains gradually without our knowledge. Like the addicted people, we too are falling prey to these dangerous, cruel and addicted news.
            In the morning newspaper, we hunt for news of Aadibasi Aandolan and its cruelty mirrored with images, negligence of some unlucky official and the bullet that rode out of his modern ammunition, description of some terrorism carried out, or a detailed report of some female ravished by the armed forces. And when such news don’t appear, believe, reading a newspaper can be completed more quickly- (why?), coz, ‘Shah, no hot news today!’ Aah! What a turn time has taken!
            Bigger problem of an addicted person is possibly not the drug or alcohol; rather it is the immunity that grows in him to fight such drug or alcohol. People who take such drugs or alcohol in a daily basis grow such immunity and thus deteriorate a body of strong built. Accounting for bad of the world, this problem is a worsening one and is gradually pulling our mind towards darkness.
            There was a time when natural death of someone, alongside accidents, also touched everybody’s heart. And now? Not even does it matter the least for anyone (par the victimized family). An incident accounting to death of one or two persons doesn’t become a topic of discussion. The Reuters photo portraying a bullet ridden young body doesn’t even reach anybody’s heart. The name and address of the victim can be forgotten the very next moment. After all we search something ‘Hot’ at least that can pull a discussion till two days. ‘Did you see today’s newspaper?’ ‘Ya, I read, nothing special at all!’- A despair reply. And when such news is not available there is no other opt that to read some politically incited mob’s news or some show made by some politicians to showcase their ‘non-corrupted’ face!
            Just like a drinker who loses control with the first peg in the beginning and later four pegs don’t affect him; similarly the Assamese who couldn’t kill a pigeon from his ceiling for dinner, today can pass through a corpse outside his boundary without even lending an eye. Today they can playfully sit on a sofa ignoring the cries of some neighbor in trouble. How amazingly had our heart rose its softening level and made it cruel! This has resulted only from the cruel news we keep hearing now-and-then. This is really ghastly. During our childhood, the children’s special page used to take us on a trip to dreamland. We would fly behind the clouds on the back of the winged horse of the prince, and today? Our children see the bloody snaps and ask- ‘Who died Papa- Ulfa or Army?’, ‘What is rape?’ Very critical is the time!
            The immunity of our mind is increasing in a very wrong way. Like a dealer of alcoholic items, the media is increasing the bazaar of hot news. And we? Reflecting an addicted, we too sit early morning before the TV screen in wait of cries of a helpless child, or torture carried out on a wife/ mother before children or husband, or a story of agony of a cruel murder? Then? We are busy again- Marketing, Office, City bus!
            Why is this situation?
            Isn’t it the immunity born from the cruel, dangerous news we see? Any immunity grown from such news read daily- is not any less from addition of some deadly drug! The former one murders our mind, the latter body!
            To free the habit of addiction of drugs there are many ‘de-addiction centers’. But relief from the addiction of cruel news can be brought by newspapers only. I have told in the beginning- among the advancement of electronic media, the mind of the mass retains affection for printed letters. Like Lady Diana’s death headlined the ‘New York Times’ (Lady Diana Killed In Rod Accident) in a non-masala way; if newspapers contain news laid in a cool way, may be gradually the past days will be back again when people read newspapers only for news.
            The recent Beltola violence- unlike the electronic media which showed videos of violence, most of the printed media resorted their ‘real’ way of publishing the news in a peaceful manner and this identified them as ‘true journalists’. Can, the mindset of publishing the news in such way for the sake of the respect and name of the state, without hooking for money, claim of returning to the glories of the past days?
            This is true that the happenings of today have also turned for its worse from its twenty-year-old face. Media will have to publish news with images without discrimination of good news, bad news, cruel news or peaceful news; it will require to be published. But in this article we are discussing that the corpse of the killed could be portrayed in place of the horribly-placed bullets in the body zoomed to its best. That makes news too, images too.
            Then it might be possible to gear the heartless mass back to reins, if not a bit. Will it not be a good news for the mass too?
            Is news made only for business is regarded as great? If the whole state breaks up- where can you and me stay in peace? Its time we went deeper into the matter.

Translation of 'Nrixonxo Khoboror Nisa' by Hridayananda Mahanta. The original article in Assamese appear in AANK-BAAK publications' 'ADDAR XONALI XAPON'.

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It’s around midnight and I am still awake-
Along me, on my new varnished Study Table;
Rests the bound book with the NCERT label.

All out of sudden, a desire fills me- Yes!
A desire to write some verses that rhythm-
What? A poem amidst unsolved Logarithm!

But… On what should I write it, or on whom?
Love, Friends, Nature, Calamities or woes-
The corruption issue, Baba Ramdev or his foes?

A real unsure mind, facing subject alternates-
And now I hear a cell tone- Shouldn’t I write
On that silly man calling at this time of night?

Ohho! Nah! I can’t go more- I have lost my words-
I doubt if any poem would come up tonight-
Hmm, I go to sleep, lights off- Wish you Good Night!

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